Abbott launched its new brand initiative to enable people on a global scale to  live “Life. To the fullest.” With the brand located in Illinois, we used the Chicago Marathon and a suite of pre-, during, and post-activation content to help illustrate exactly what that meant. We started by working with influencer Nick Gerber to capture both the spirit of the initiative and the emotional energy throughout the city of Chicago leading up the marathon.

The day before the marathon, Abbott invited all 140,000 attendees at the Health & Fitness Expo to explore our eye-catching geodesic domes for the chance to express their excitement and spirit. Once inside, participants showed us what living their fullest lives meant to them. Their expressions were recorded within an AR environment and displayed on giant monitors for the entire expo center to see. After they finished their short videos, participants were sent a text of a digital version of it to share throughout all of their social presences, allowing them to join the #ChiMarathon conversation in a way that was uniquely theirs.

When the marathon started the next day, we set out to photograph specific mile markers on the route, seeking the hopeFULLEST, graceFULLEST, and soulFULLEST moments we could. These moments were captured, edited, and sent off to our team at HQ for real-time social posting. Abbott was able to bring their new brand message to a captivated audience of 1.7 million, encapsulate what it meant through visual examples, and own the conversation.