Amazon is one of the fastest-growing companies in the history of the world. But in March of 2020, they were having a make-or-break moment. Amazon is a massive operation that requires immense technology, extensive facilities and one critical piece: people.

When faced with the need to fill the largest work order in history, Amazon turned to us for help. We built a strategic foundation centered on the emotional needs, the human motivations, and the cultural realities at play in job candidates’ lives in 2020.

This strategic vision for the candidate experience evolved into a deep partnership and creative platform. A platform that, through paid and organic interactions, brought emotional relevance to a traditionally transactional relationship.  The results were dramatic. Amazon hired 527,000 new employees between January and October -- that’s the population of Miami. Amazon was able to expand their fulfillment infrastructure by 50% this year and put $158 million dollars into peoples’ pockets. The campaign solidified Amazon as a leader. An expert. Agile. But most of all: human.

When you work for Amazon you’re not just sorting and sending packages. You are a part of something much bigger. You’re not just fulfilling orders, you are fulfilling lives. You are an essential worker bringing survival tools like hand sanitizer and double fudge brownie mix to people when they need it the most. At Amazon you get to deliver smiles, working the hours that make you smile. By putting our employees at the center of our campaign, we were able to deliver on that message again and again in the sincerest of ways.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.